F. Mandley & Assocaites, Inc.

Frank Mandley

About Me

Frank Mandley

Frank Mandley, CEO and President of F. Mandley & Associates, Inc., served as Grants Administration and Government Programs director for the Broward County Schools, from 1988 to 2009. There, he oversaw grant proposal development and federal legislative relations for the sixth largest public school system in the country. During his tenure as director, competitive grants funding awarded to the school district exceeded $524 million.

In addition to his grant responsibilities, Frank worked with Broward’s Congressional Delegation, School Board members and the superintendent to advance the district’s legislative priorities at the federal level.

Frank is a former national board member of both the Grant Professionals Association and the Grant Professionals Certification Institute, and is a founding member of the Florida Grant Developers Network K-12. He currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Broward Education Foundation and is a member of the Florida Education Legislative Liaisons (FELL).

His firm, F. Mandley & Associates, Inc., tracks, analyzes, reports and explains Federal policy, legislation, regulations and appropriations that impact K-12 education institutions and the organizations that serve them. The firm includes school districts, state education departments, education organizations and corporations among its clients. Additionally, Frank and his associates deliver forensic grant development services, grant proposal writing services and professional development to clients in Florida, across the country and in the Caribbean.

Frank received his bachelor’s degree from Western Michigan University and his master’s degree from the University of Florida.